I'm impressed. Really. The feedback has been tremendous. Shout outs to everybody who added their perspective on interracial dating. The feedback can be found here, here, and here. Thank you to everyone who had something to say.
Tonight, I give my own perspective on interracial dating and whether or not I would date outside my own race.
I also raise the question, who are your top five MCs of all time?? The last two weeks have been great response-wise. Keep it up, y'all.
P.S. All the words that appear in red are actually links, for all you smart folks out there. (This is where you go back to the old posts and check to see what you missed.)
Last week's entertaining blogcast garnered a number of interesting responses, especially from my female audience. The response above was provided by my homey Gibbz, who you can check out here.
For today's blogcast, I spend a majority of the time relaying the feedback I received in response to the numerous questions we raised last week. I also raise the question of interracialdating, and ask for your feedback. (And you guys were really responsive last week, so let's do it again, shall we?)
For the first time ever, Red Light, Green Light is blogging from the road. And also, for the first time in a long time, I have guests.
Today's blogcast discusses Steve McNair's untimely death, and the potential consequences of having a mistress. We also get into a lively discussion about hoes, selfish sex, faking and much more. Needless to say, it gets very interesting.